- Shutter Island 🇺🇸 🔊
- The Favourite 🇬🇧 🔊 👁️ 🏛 🗝️ ✺
- Red Joan 🇬🇧 🗝️ 👤
- The Accountant 🇺🇸
- Joji 🇮🇳 👁️ 🖼️ ✺
- Parasite 🇰🇷 👁️ 🏛 🍞 ✺
- The Terror 🇬🇧 🔊 👁️ 🖼️ 🍪 🗝️ 👤 ✺
- Hello Carter 🇬🇧 🎈
- Pictures of Lily 🇬🇧 🎈 🍞
🔊 — Great sound-score
👁️ — Cinematically beautiful
🏛 — Good architecture
🖼️ — Stunning filming locationsType:
🍪 — Series
📜 — documentaries
🪑 — Stand-ups
🐒 — AnimatedFlavour:
🗝️ — Period before films
👤 — Based on real life or events
🔫 — Fast-paced or action
🌀 — Fantasy
🍿 — Gripping
🎈 — Easy watching
🎓 — Coming of age
🍞 — Slice of lifeFoot-notes:
➋ — Seen more than once
✺ — Recommended
▲ — Special