Endel's manifesto is a visual treat
Hourly App's website →
A beautiful example of the 'international style' design aesthetics
I realise most things on Raven is designed by Teenage Engineering, is that only why their website looks so slick?
I've seen nothing else done better than Arrival to make us look like we've entered the future
Paul Robert Lloyd's Bookmarks →
I like how Paul manages external links on his website. Essentially something I'm striving to achieve here on my website, but of course, his is a more elegant solution. A great selection of links, pointing to the source, an excerpt from the link and a short opinion on why it was bookmarked or what he found interesting in it.
Funkis Font →
Funkis is a customisable geometric san serif typeface originally designed in 2015 by Göran Söderström and Fredrik Gruber and published by Letters from Sweden. It has a great little website accompanying the typeface and some really slick simple in-use design examples.